10 Great Reasons to Shop by Millville’s Fresh Fest and Farm Market

If you haven’t been to Millville’s Fresh Fest and Farm Market this season, it’s not too late. You can still shop for local produce, plants and more at the Fresh Fest and Farm Market on Saturday, September 22, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Village on High, 501 North High Street in Millville. You can also enjoy live music, a healthy food demo sponsored by Wildflower Vegan Cafe, and rock painting for all ages.
From savoring produce at the peak of freshness to meeting the people who grow your food, there are countless reasons to support Farm Markets. In fact, if David Letterman had ever done a Late Show Top 10 on the subject, it might look something like this:
- Taste Real Flavors – These are the freshest fruits and vegetables around.
- Enjoy the Season – Farm Markets always stock the best seasonal fruit and vegetables.
- Support Family Farmers – A lot of family farmers have a hard time competing in the food marketplace, and this is a great way to show your support.
- Protect the Environment – Most foods travel 1,500 miles to make it to your plate, contributing to trucking pollution and extra trash from packing; local Farm Market products come right from the farm to you.
- Nourish Yourself – Farm Market means farm fresh and healthier fruits and vegetables.
- Discover Variety is the Spice – You’ll be amazed as the varieties available at the local Farm Market.
- Promote Humane Treatment of Animals – At the Farm Market, you’ll find meats, cheeses, and eggs from animals that have been raised humanely, grazing on green grass and natural diets in open spaces.
- Know Where Your Food Comes From – Meeting and talking to farmers is a great way to learn more about how and where food is produced.
- Learn Cooking Tips, Recipes, and Meal Ideas – The farmers at Farm Markets don’t just grow it, they know the best ways to prepare what they produce and are happy to share great recipes and food prep tips.
- Connect with Your Community – Which is what living in the Heartland of New Jersey is all about.
For more information on Fresh Fest and Farm Market, call Glasstown Arts District at 856-293-0556. See you there!
Event on NJ Heartland Calendar – Click Here