$30,000 for Cumberland County Nonprofits and Faith Communities to Help with Food Insecurity

Deadline 5/29 at 5:00 PM
M25 Initiative Food Insecurity Funding:
Request for Proposals- Phase 2
Total Amount Allocated: $30,000
Online Application Due: 5/29/2020 at 5 PM (EST)
Announcement of Awards: 6/19/2020
Award Disbursement: Week of 6/22/2020
The Food Insecurity Grants (Phase 2) are designed to assist non-profits and faith-based communities in addressing food insecurity issues related to the health and financial impact of the Coronavirus in Cumberland County, NJ. The funding is intended to be utilized from July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020 in providing direct assistance to at-risk and food insecure residents of Cumberland County.