Heartland Hero Paying It Forward With Clothing For Neighbors In Need
Longtime Laurel Lake resident Tina Hutchinson saw a need in her community and she responded to it. Little did she know the overwhelming outpouring of love and support she would receive. It started as a small idea to request clothing donations on Facebook for her Commercial Township community. Hutchinson thought she would be able to help a few neighbors in need. What she got was over 100 bags of clothing, as well as household items and other basic family needs. Tina was overwhelmed and humbled by the response—her home is bursting at the seams with donations. She is opening the “Clothes Closet” on June 9, 2018, and is hoping to help up to 100 families. All participants in the event receive a bag to fill completely free of charge.
It’s ordinary people like Tina doing extraordinary things that make a Heartland Hero. It’s giving without the thought of receiving; it’s kindness without the hope of a thank you. We are so proud to recognize Tina for this selfless act of giving and kindness. Laurel Lake is lucky to have a neighbor like her.
Tina’s story was recently featured on SNJ Today and can be watched here.
For more information on the Laurel Lake Clothes Closet, visit their Facebook page: Laurel Lake Clothes Closet.