Patricia Gross Receives November 2020 New Jersey’s Heartland Hero Award
As Veteran’s Day approaches and we seek to honor those individuals, Patricia Gross has been a beacon of hope for veterans for years. As the former Mayor of Maurice River Township, Patricia started an organization to help our military veterans. After a conversation with Diana Pitman, a former Army nurse who had a service dog, and Ted DeNofio, owner of Ted’s Pet Country Club, Patricia was inspired to fulfill an idea. After contacting the fire chiefs of Maurice River Township, “NJ Dogs of Honor” was created.
This non-profit program, “NJ Dogs of Honor” was established in 2018 and its purpose is to provide rescue service dogs, who otherwise would be facing euthanasia, to service military veterans diagnosed with PTSD. Patricia is an exemplary advocate for veterans. This is why New Jersey’s Heartland is proud to honor Patricia Gross of Leesburg, New Jersey as the November 2020 Heartland Hero Winner.
If you’d like to donate to NJ Dogs of Honor, checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 6, Heislerville, NJ 08324. For more information or to become a sponsor or a volunteer, please visit or email
While New Jersey’s Heartland is filled with hidden gems, its biggest treasures are the people who make the region a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. All Heartland Heroes receive a Heartland Heroes Certificate and Gift Basket in recognition of their award. To nominate your Heartland Hero, visit