A Message From The Borough of Glassboro And The Office Of Emergency Management

The Borough of Glassboro understands that our residents are concerned about the coronavirus (COVID-19). We want to assure our residents that we share your concerns, which is why we are diligently working with state and federal health officials to provide you with the most current and accurate information. We will continue to keep you updated as more information is provided. We will not post information obtained from television, radio or other media until it is confirmed by official sources. For updated information, please continue to visit the official Glassboro website as well as the state and federal links provided.
The Glassboro Police Department wants to assure the citizens of the Borough that we are planning daily to address the needs of the community as we navigate through this difficult period of time. The Police department is operating at full capacity and will utilize all of our resources to ensure the safety and well-being of all of our residents and Officers. As an advisory for contacting Police please utilize 856-881-1500 or 911 in case of an emergency. We also offer online reporting for certain types of incidents, please see our official website for details regarding the criteria for online reports. Additionally, please be advised that you may receive a phone call from an Officer prior to them responding to your location. The reason for this is to ensure the Officers are better prepared for any medical scenario that they may encounter, and also to make any necessary referrals prior to their arrival. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time and for your continued support to the Glassboro Police Department.

Glassboro School District will temporarily close beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020 potentially reopening on March 30, 2020.

Municipal Bill Pay Options
Bill payments and many other services can be administered via our website, Glassboro.org or calling (856) 881-9230.
For your convenience, a Lock Box is located in the vestibule of the Municipal Building and can be used to drop off payments by check. The Lock Box is checked Monday through Friday. Please place payments along with the corresponding bill in an envelope prior to dropping in box.

Borough of Glassboro Parks Closed until further notice
All Borough of Glassboro Parks will be closed until further notice. All Glassboro Park and Recreation Sports programs, as well as Glassboro Little League, have been suspended until further notice.

Code Enforcement and Construction Office procedures for doing business during borough closure of all municipal buildings
Overall customer interaction:
*Social Distancing practices as well as good hand washing should be followed at all times by our employees both in and out of the work environment. (6 feet personal space)
*All phone calls will be answered by staff and messages returned. The public will be instructed on how to complete their business online or over the phone to the extent possible.
*Permit and application submittals will be conducted through the use of a temporary drop box outside the building entrance. Additional forms and envelopes will be provided by the dropbox for their convenience.
*Resident complaints that need investigation will be assigned on a priority basis based on the ability to respond safely.
*Any inspections being requested through the Department will continue for now but the employee taking the call will ask the caller the following questions.
#1 Is anyone in the house, (or on-site) sick at the current time?
#2 Has anyone in the house, (or on-site) been around someone who has recently been sick or is sick currently?
#3 Is anyone in the house under a home Isolation or Precautionary quarantine?
If the answer to any of the above questions is yes then the caller should be instructed to reschedule the inspection at least 14 days later or after all individuals in the house, (or on-site) are well, whichever is greater.
Housing inspections:
*COT rental inspections will continue as needed, where possible, proof of abatement should be requested via photographic evidence to avoid a re-inspection visit.
*CCO and Transfer of Title inspections will continue as needed, where possible, proof of abatement should be requested via photographic evidence to avoid a re-inspection visit.
*Inspectors should inquire as to the health of the occupants prior to entry and may cancel the inspection if they have concerns for their health or the health of the occupant.
Code Enforcement
*Resident complaints will be handled on a priority basis based on the ability to respond safely.
*All permit submittals will utilize the temporary dropbox when possible.
*Large submittals that will not fit in the box should be left by the box by the applicant and brought into the building immediately.
*Payments should be taken via phone, mail or left in the temporary dropbox.
*Permits issued should be mailed or emailed when possible.
*Inspectors should be limiting visits to the Office by using the SDL mobile on their iPads to log results.
*Inspectors should inquire as to the health of the occupants prior to entry and may cancel the inspection if they have concerns for their health or the health of the occupant. *Plan review will continue with the health and safety of our staff being considered.
Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings will be as scheduled if applications are made until such time as conditions change or authorization from the State, County or Local Administrations for such cancelations are ordered.
Additional changes may follow as conditions warrant.

The Borough of Glassboro is extending pet licensing payments through April 30, 2020. All Gloucester county free-rabies clinics have been canceled

Coping with Stress During Coronavirus Outbreak
We understand that the COVID-19 situation is unsettling. We want to remind residents to remain calm and make sure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information. Please help us spread facts, not fear.
Stress and anxiety are real emotions during unsettling times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the New Jersey Department of Health offer good advice on how to deal with heightened emotions.
The situation is changing by the day, and we will continue to update Glassboro residents and employees on which facilities will close and which will remain open. If you or someone you care about are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, call the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 (TTY 1-800-846-8517).
The Mental Health Association in New Jersey, Inc. is also offering mental health support due to COVID-19. Please call (877) 294- HELP (4357) for emotional support, guidance and mental health referrals as needed. https://www.mhanj.org/covid-19/

THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (NJDOH) is working hard to develop added guidance and educational materials, in the face of evolving information. NJDOH recommends that schools increase education on respiratory hygiene. Students, faculty and staff should all be asked to follow these steps that prevent the transmission of respiratory infections:
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into your sleeve, not your hands
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, especially after coughing or sneezing. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
- Stay home if you are sick
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects
- Get a flu shot
Added preventive measures include:
- Adhere to exclusion recommendations from public health. For acute respiratory illness, fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
- Separate sick students and staff from others
- Provide adequate supplies, including clean and functional handwashing stations, soap, paper towels and alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Encourage routine cleaning