Alison Caruso

Alison Caruso encompasses a Heartland Hero to the fullest. To start, she works each and every day with an elderly 91 year old Korean War Veteran who was passed down to her by his brother. The Korean War Veteran, Bill, lived with his brother. His Brother asked Alison to please take care of Bill when he passed away. Alison emotionally and physically nurtures Bill by taking him out for meals, going to church and once in awhile for a drink. Shortly after, Bill’s family was so moved by the love and care Alison gave that they hired Alison to be his caregiver. Alison does more than keeping Bill alive. She helps him live life to the fullest.
Alison is also involved in the New Jersey High School Rodeo Association which is nationally accredited to provide youth so that they don’t end up going down the wrong path. On top of working three jobs, she does whatever it takes to not only provide for these organizations, but also her 5 children as a single mother happily co-parenting with their father so they can share the responsibilities and memories made in rodeo. Alison works so hard because she wants our youth to have a safe haven away from drugs so they can grow up loved and in a healthy, stable environment. She is such an overachiever when it comes to helping the youth, she devotes her minimal free time into putting the shows of the Summer Jade Barrel Racing Series on while financing large travel expenses herself and receiving no pay. Her sons recently qualified for the Las Vegas National Finals in youth bull riding for New Jersey, and she saved up all year to make sure they were represented in Nationals!
Her friend almost lost her leg in a riding accident and was sent to the hospital, so what did Alison Caruso do? In between visiting her in the hospital, she was behind the scenes organizing a benefit barrel race to help her pay the hospital bills. Alison looks out for our community, our youth, and everyone else without ever worrying about herself or getting any recognition. This is why Alison Caruso is not only a hero, but a New Jersey Heartland Hero!