Announcement from Millville Free Public Library

Millville Public Library is closed for face to face access, but you can download books for all ages from Overdrive or RBDigital which are on our website.
We have a video you can use to help you understand that process.
Temporary library cards can be obtained through – good through June 30.
There is a lot you can get to from our website including Learning Express to assist students of all ages with their academic goals. In addition, through a live reference person will do his best to answer all questions. If you call, leave a message on our voicemail and we will try to respond.
We are here to serve you. Check out our website and Facebook page.
Information about the COVID-19 virus is also at your fingertips.
We hope you all stay well in this period of social distancing and look forward to seeing all our faithful patrons when we reopen.