Cat Fanciers Association All breed Cat Show At Landis Marketplace In Vineland On February 29

Meet and Greet CFA’s Finest Cats
Tickets Available at the Door
VINELAND, NJ—Come and see some fun, frisky felines on The Ave as the Empire Cat Club presents “The Empire Returns,” a Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) sanctioned allbreed cat show, on Saturday, February 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Landis MarketPlace, 631 E. Landis Ave., Vineland.
Tickets for the show, 8 dollars for adults, 6 dollars for children age 6 to 12, and free admission for children under age 6, can be purchased at the door.
Free parking is available in the large lot in the rear of the marketplace.
The largest registry of pedigreed cats and known as the most prestigious pedigreed cat registering association in the world, CFA was established in 1906. Originally headquartered in Manasquan, NJ, it moved to Alliance, OH in 2010.
The association’s stated mission is preserving and promoting pedigreed breeds of cats while also enhancing the well-being of all cats. CFA’s first licensed cat shows were held in Buffalo, NY and Detroit, MI in 1906. The association today has a known presence in Europe, China, and Japan along with its well-established activity in the United States and Canada.
This show will be an opportunity to see CFA’s finest cats.
For more information or to volunteer, e-mail