Chris and Kim Stalker

Heartland Heroes Who Love All Life!
Anatole France said, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” If that’s true, then New Jersey’s Heartlanders Chris and Kim Stalker have truly awakened every aspect of their souls. This wonderful couple, who reside in Gloucester County, have opened their home and made it their mission to shelter animals for the neighboring Camden County Shelter until suitable owners and loving, permanent homes can be found for these pets. Geri Albano, who nominated Chris and Kim (who, by the way, have pets of their own), spoke about having her heart ripped apart when her beloved, 19-year-old Dino passed in August of 2017. With the help and guidance of Chris and Kim, Geri was steered to the shelter and able to adopt a beautiful kitten named Cinderfella last October. Chris and Kim Stalker, Heartland Heroes who show us every day that we should All Love All Life!