Chris Volker Receives November 2021 New Jersey’s Heartland Hero Award

Chris Volker has worked tirelessly on behalf of families and children. As an advocate for community development, Chris lives by the adage, “it takes a village to raise a child.” New Jersey’s Heartland is proud to announce a New Jersey highflier, Chris Volker, as our November Heartland Hero.
Chris Volker is the Founder/Chief Professional Officer of The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cumberland County. Through his leadership, The Boys & Girls Club experienced tremendous success over the years, tripling its budget and membership base since its inception. Possessing an impressive history, the Club has produced four teen members who’ve won the State Youth of the Year competition in the last six years. One teen went on to win the Northeast Regional Youth of the Year title and was awarded over $30,000 in scholarship funds!
Chris truly shined as a leader during the COVID-19 pandemic. He continuously worked in the pursuit of numerous grants to keep the Boys & Girls Clubs of Cumberland County viable during a demanding period when fundraisers had to be canceled or delayed. Realizing that many people were unemployed, Chris organized weekly food distributions through the Boys and Girls Clubs of Cumberland County for local families. He also aided a local nonprofit, Project Thanksgiving, by raising money and collecting food donations that would benefit local veterans’ organizations and food banks.
For these reasons, New Jersey’s Heartland is proud to honor Chris Volker of Newfield, New Jersey, as the November 2021 Heartland Hero Winner.
While New Jersey’s Heartland is filled with hidden gems, its biggest treasures are the people who make the region a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. All Heartland Heroes receive a Heartland Heroes Certificate and Gift Basket in recognition of their award. To nominate your Heartland Hero, visit