COVID-19 Resources for Individuals Who Are Undocumented or Uninsured

The State of New Jersey is focused on ensuring that all people, regardless of immigration status and/or whether or not they have health insurance, are protected from the outbreak and receive appropriate testing and treatment. You should talk to a medical professional about when and how to seek testing and treatment. Please read the following information carefully:
Am I eligible for COVID-19?
- You must live in New Jersey.
- Have a cough, fever, and shortness of breath.
- Complete the COVID-19 Symptom Checker
Where Can I Get Tested?
Drive-thru Testing Centers. Read each testing center’s requirements before leaving your home.
· For a list of testing sites and requirements visit here.
What is Public Charge?
Some people who apply for a green card (lawful permanent residence) or a visa to enter the U.S. must pass a “public charge” test. The “public charge” test requires a person to show that they are not likely to become dependent on specific government programs. The new public charge test considers: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps), Federal Public Housing and Section 8 assistance, Medicaid (except for emergency services, children under 21 years, pregnant women and new mothers), and cash assistance programs (like SSI, TANF, General Assistance). Please check with your legal services provider if you have any questions.
Can I get tested despite the Public Charge Rule?
Yes,Immigration officials have confirmed that testing, treatment, and preventative care related to COVID-19 will not negatively affect an individual’s public charge analysis.
For more COVID-19 information:
Please visit the New Jersey Information Hub at:
Call (General COVID-19 Questions): 2-1-1 (7a-11p)
Call (Clinical Questions): 1-800-962-1253 (24/7)
Text NJCOVID to 898-211 to receive alerts
Mental Health Hotline: 866-202-4357 (8a-8p)