Downtown Tree Lighting on December 1

HAMMONTON—On Saturday, December 1st, MainStreet Hammonton will host the Downtown Holiday Tree Lighting at the tree adjacent to Wells Fargo Bank at the corner of Central Avenue and Bellevue Avenue from 6pm-9pm. The rain date is Sunday, December 2nd.
Ricky Alverio, owner of Funky Cow, will adorn the town tree with thousands of white lights, a new star to top the tree and over 70 tree ornaments sponsored by families, local business and in memory of loved ones to give Hammonton a “Magical Town Tree”. Kevin Rodio, owner of Spellcaster Productions and Kathedral Event Center, will provide production services including staging, a large video screen, lighting and audio making the Hammonton Tree Lighting event, the best in South Jersey.
Live musical/dance entertainment from local schools and businesses will begin at 6pm that will keep the crowd entertained as they await the arrival of Santa Claus. Victory Bible Church will be featuring the Living Nativity in front of St Joseph’s High School at the corner of Central Ave and Vine Street. Just before Santa arrives, Hammonton resident, Richard Curcio will read “The Night before Christmas.”
Santa is expected to arrive promptly at 7 p.m. on a decorated fire truck to magically light the town tree. Following the lighting of the tree, Santa will go to Wells Fargo Bank where he will personally meet with the kids. “This is the official start of the Hammonton holiday season and you can feel the excitement in the air”, said Dawn Baldwin, event Chair. Two horse- drawn carriage rides will be available in front of the Family Success Center at 310 Bellevue Ave. Just follow the snowflakes from Wells Fargo Bank and you will see the horse-drawn carriages. Strolling carolers will walk up and down Bellevue Avenue adding to the ambience of the evening.
The 2018 title sponsors for this year’s event will be Wells Fargo Bank and AtlantiCare. Other contributing sponsors are: David Charles, 1 Trick Pony, Liberty Dialysis of Hammonton, AMI AtlantiCare, Vector Security, Animal Clinic of Hammonton, Mercedes Benz of Atlantic City, Denney Electric Supply and Kramer Beverage. “We are grateful to our sponsors for their support. This support makes all of this possible each year and allows us to offer a spectacular holiday event”, said Cassie Iacovelli, Executive Director of MainStreet Hammonton. “You will not want to miss this. The lights, the music, the arrival of Santa; it is a wonderful night in Downtown Hammonton.”
“The stores and restaurants will all be open”, said Baldwin, “so you can get a jump start on your holiday shopping or take a break and have a nice meal. It’s a special night and I hope folks will come out and enjoy this special time of year.” For more information, contact MainStreet Hammonton at (609) 567-9014 or go to