Enthusiatic Response For First Running The Ave 5k On June 23 In Downtown Vineland

With a heavy initial response, organizers of the Vineland’s first Running The Ave 5K are expecting a large number of runners participating—with projections possibly exceeding 100.
Organized by Main Street Vineland, in cooperation with Second Capital Running, the event will take place, rain or shine, on Sunday, June 23, starting at 9 a.m., in downtown Vineland. Premier Orthopaedic Associates is the major sponsor.
Vineland’s downtown business district will be transformed that day into a magnificent 5K course, which will include a run through beautiful Landis Park. This sanctioned race will include professional timers and medals will be awarded in a variety of categories—including the “True Grit” award for our last-place finisher.
Registration is $20 per runner and the event is not open to walkers. To register, go to Main Street Vineland’s website, www.TheAve.biz and go to the event link. Proceeds from the run will benefit Main Street Vineland’s efforts to help the continued revitalization of Vineland’s historic downtown. Sponsorship opportunities are also available.
In addition, dancers, bands, jugglers, hula hoop dancers, and other enthusiasts are being sought to cheer the runners on at cheer stations on the sidelines. The runners will vote for the cheer stations that they find the most inspiring. To sign up log onto https://jdaforms.formstack.com/forms/rta_cheer2019.
“To have the kind of response we have had so far is extraordinary,” said Main Street Vineland Executive Director Russell Swanson. “If you’re running just one 5K this year, make it this one. Runs such as this are all the rage these days across the country. This will be a great way for people to have fun, keep physically fit, and help promote our beautiful downtown—The Ave.”
This will not only show off our downtown area to new people, but will also help introduce a “keep healthy” program to The Ave.
“We’re anticipating seeing many runners and their friends from out of town to The Ave for the event and it will give us the opportunity to show off what we have to offer,” Main Street Vineland Associate Director Robert Scarpa said. “We’re working on a health component for The Ave that will include walking/running trails. This run is part of the way in which we are inaugurating that component. Come out, run, watch, cheer the runners—join us!!”
For more information on all Main Street Vineland programs and events, call the Main Street Vineland office at 856-794-8653, visit the organization’s website at www.TheAve.biz, or its Facebook page.