Gallery in the Park Reflections

There is something new at Washington Lake Park – a real feast for the eyes and spirit is on display at the amphitheater stage. At the August 23 opening reception for The Gallery in the Park, artists and officials gathered to celebrate the exhibit, which showcases many talented visual artists in our town and state. The exhibit was artfully arranged and printed on weatherproof vinyl by Brian and Laura Bailey of
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day with the theme, eARTh without ART is just eh, Sustainable Washington Township’s Painting the Town exhibit represents a yearlong project. Creative Team leader Vicky Binetti and Mayor Joann Gattinelli made formal remarks from the microphone and artists and attendees were invited to make comments for this article.
I am excited to be a part of our new creative team initiative “Gallery in the park” as part of the 50th anniversary of Earth day. We have displayed art work showing the talents of our local artists at the amphitheater in Washington Lake Park as a fresh experience for all to see. This is the first of many in our area. I encourage everyone to come out and view the artwork.
Joann Gattinelli, Mayor of Washington Township
I really like the way the work is arranged at the amphitheatre. It adds another dimension to a visit there at a time when people are hungry for some art life. The sturdy vinyl material the images are printed on works well and the print quality is excellent. [It is] Lovely to have these on display outside for a good period of time too. Thank you for the initiative and the exposure of my work. I really appreciate it.
Mary Waltham, artist
On hearing of the Gallery project, I loved the idea of artists getting a chance to exhibit their work in such a manner. “Our” park was the best choice for its location. I look forward to future endeavors.
Connie Ortona, artist
Major accolades to all entrusted with the design, development and launching of this most appreciated supportive event for our local artists. Many thanks to all involved! Our park has a natural beauty and now the creative beauty of the human hand can also be celebrated. Witnessing and contributing to a positive effect of human impact on our environment in this time of causal environmental catastrophes is so refreshing. I look forward to the expansion of park space and artist participation. Onward and upward!
Charlotte Ryan, artist
As a Fine Arts Watercolor Artist, it is exciting to have three of my paintings on display at the amphitheatre for The Gallery In The Park. Growing up in Washington Twp. and having my home studio here, I’m thrilled to be part of the Arts in Washington Twp.
Michael Zippilli, artist
I was surprised that the quality of the reproductions was as good as it was. A lot of times photos of oil paintings do not look good blown up to a larger size, especially since I had taken the photos with my iPhone.
Dom Martelli, artist
This was a new experience for me and I was touched that one visitor sought me out to share that my fireflies photo imparted a feeling of comfort and safety to her. She thought that photo (and one other) would be wonderful displays for an Asian meditation establishment. I certainly didn’t expect that!
I appreciated the efforts of the planners, and especially Vicky Binetti and Mayor Gattinelli for taking the time to say a few words.
Den DiMarco, artist
Vicky and her team have created an ingenious way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth day while bringing lovely accessible art to the people of Washington Township during a pandemic. The display was clever (and weather-proof) and the ceremony was lovely! I was personally very proud to help celebrate Earth day in this meaningful way and very humble to have my art shown with great artist!
Susan F. Hallowell, PhD, artist
The Art show and photography exhibit was an amazing event.
Ann Culkin, Washington Twp. Envionmental Commission
I was surprised and pleased with the final product. I am looking forward to the growth of Painting the Town.
Kevin Lindstedt, photographer
Artist contact information, artist statement, and artwork details are available at Washington Lake Park is located at 626 Hurffville-Cross Keys Road, Sewell, NJ. Check out the facebook page Painting the Town, Washington Township, NJ.
The exhibit is supported in part by the South Jersey Cultural Alliance and OceanFirst Bank.
Artists and friends Photo by Kevin Lindstedt