- Bring your bags, boxes and proof of residency for FREE fresh grocery shopping including fresh meats, vegetables, dry/can goods and so much more! The 2nd Thursday of each month, 10AM at O.V.A Harvest Point, 469 Grieves Pkwy.
- To supplement school district meal service, OVA is working to ensure FBSJ gets food to 200+ families daily. Delivered Mon. & Wed., these healthy, high quality meals are freshly prepared and arrive cold. Instruction included to heat hot meals.
SOCIAL DISTANCING STRICTLY ENFORCED. Please share. Stay healthy and safe!
When I graduated from Salem High School, my dream was to one day come back to my community and help make it a better place for children to grow up. While life has become a lot more challenging recently for us as a nation, many Salem families and children have been living in a State of Emergency long before now…
I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out and let you know that we’re still here to help. And, while One Village Alliance is not currently a convening place for children and families due to social distancing, we’re still open for service! This is a tough time for our community. And while it may seem that things are getting worse, like there’s nothing we can do, NOW is not the time to give in to hopelessness. Just like when I was young – violence, drugs, lack of safe spaces, creative outlets and productive programming were problems. They even proved devastating in the lives, cost the lives in some cases, of my very own family members and friends in Salem… But guess what? A far greater number of us made it, are now thriving, and even changing the world!
Why? Because there were people, even if only a handful, who never gave up on us. People like you and me.
And Salem STILL needs us. Staying safe doesn’t have to mean being helpless. Thank you for continuing to share, comment, donate and support our efforts virtually! A special thanks to Hydica, Maggie and Regina of Harvest Point Apartments, the volunteers and Food Bank of South Jersey for showing up as essential workers serving our families. Contact us to find out how you can get involved!
Together, WE are “the village”!
Chandra G. Pitts, President & CEO
Parents: You can do this! And our Youth Ambassadors are here to help. One Village Alliance is open for live support understanding homework concepts, building structure and disciplined home study habits, and answering questions about how to adapt to your new role as a teacher. Follow us on all social media platforms to join our “O.V.A Live!” learning series! Hear from successful homeschoolers. Participate in our online book club. Join real-time conversations on academic excellence!
Educators: we’re here for! Please contact us and let us know how we can work together to build a community-based learning network. We’d love to partner, identify resource gaps, and help in any way we can.
Thanks to vital support from the Forman Acton Education Foundation, our team is still busy at work, remotely here to ensure our families have all they need to succeed!