Jewish Federation To Sponsor Series Of Chanukah Events

VINELAND, NJ—The Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester & Salem Counties is sponsoring a series of events to celebrate Chanukah—the “Festival of Lights.” These events are:
Wheaton Chanukah Menorah Lighting—Sunday, December 2, 11 a.m., WheatonArts and Cultural Center, 1501 Glasstown Rd., Millville, NJ. Doughnuts, music, hot cider and music. Fun for the entire family. No charge. RSVP by Wednesday, November 21.
Light Up the World Chanukah Celebration—Sunday, December 2, 5 p.m., Beth Israel Congregation, 1015 E. Park Ave., Vineland, NJ. Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. No charge, RSVP by Wednesday, November 21.
Alliance Menorah Lighting—Monday, December 3, 6 p.m., Alliance Chapel, 970 Gershal Ave., Norma, NJ. Doughnuts and hot cider will be served. No charge, RSVP by Wednesday, November 21.
Chanukah Luncheon—A Jewish Federation/Café Europa Event—Tuesday, December 4, 1 p.m., Beth Israel Congregation, 1015 E. Park Ave., Vineland, NJ. Menorah lighting, hot latkes, music, and much more. $8 for Federation members; $10 for non-members; free for Holocaust Survivors. RSVP by Wednesday, November 21.
Chanukah Live—Light Up Landis Avenue—Wednesday, December 5, 6 p.m., 600 block of Landis Avenue, Vineland, NJ (across from the former Landis MarketPlace). The lighting of the largest menorah in South Jersey. Doughnuts, hot cider, music, and dancing. Fun for the entire family. No charge; RSVP by Wednesday, November 21.
Havdalah Service & Menorah Lighting—Saturday, December 8, 6:30 p.m., Historic Garton Road Shul, 612 Garton Rd., Bridgeton (near Deerfield Township), NJ. Doughnuts and hot cider will be served. No charge. RSVP by Wednesday, November 21.
Chanukah giftwrap and menorah kits—Capture the spirit of Chanukah with giftwrap for the holiday and a kit containing a menorah, candles, dreidel, and chocolate gelt. $5 each. Limited amounts available. Call the Federation at 856-696-4445 to order now.
“Our Federation takes great pride in celebrating this joyous holiday each year, with events for all ages in several locations,” said M. Jay Einstein, President of the Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester & Salem Counties. “This is an opportunity for everyone to participate in the recounting of the miracle of Chanukah—a story of liberation told through the generations that always gives us hope and optimism.”
To make reservations for the events and for more information, call the Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester & Salem Counties at 856-696-4445.