Main Street Vineland Recognizes Six Inspira Workers in Frontline Worker Appreciation Fundraiser

Co-Sponsored, with Funds Matched by, Members 1st of NJ Federal Credit Union
Main Street Vineland recent recognized six workers from Inspira Health Network in its Frontline Worker Appreciation Fundraiser.
The workers recognized in this initiative, which was co-sponsored by Members 1st of New Jersey Federal Credit Union, have worked in frontline capacities during the current COVID crisis. Each was awarded a $40 gift certificate usable at a downtown business of their choice.
Those recognized were Raquel Alvarado (Employee Health), Sean Henry (Radiology Oncology). Marilyn Creamer (Front Desk), Frank Bender (Cardiopulmonary). Diana Gordillo (Environmental Services), and Firth Bowden (Pharmacy).
The initiative was begun in the late spring to help frontline workers in the medical field to buy food, products, and services for the professionals in the medical field helping out in the pandemic. The credit union would match all donations, up to a total of $1,000.
“We are especially proud and honored to be able to do this,” said Main Street Vineland Executive Director Russell Swanson. “Our frontline worker are truly dedicated people, putting themselves in harm’s way to help others during this perilous COVID situation. Members 1st, by matching the donations, adds twice the punch to the donations. And it helps our downtown businesses, as well.”
Swanson thanked Members 1st for helping to make the initiative a reality.
“It’s truly an instance of ‘putting their money where their mouth is’ and, for that, we are truly grateful,” he said.
Main Street Vineland Associate Director Robert Scarpa noted the value of partnerships such as this.
“When we engage with organizations as sponsors and working partners, it makes all concerned stronger and increase the effectiveness and profile that the projects and programs have,” he said.
Marya Cabatingan, the credit union’s Marketing and Business Development Specialist, shared Swanson’s and Scarpa’s enthusiasm.
“The COVID situation has created such a demand for aid and help. We were only too happy to be able to join with Main Street Vineland to do this for the brave workers in the field who are doing so much to help people recover and stay healthy,” Cabatingan said. “Those who we recognize are part of that very special team.”
For more information on all Main Street Vineland initiatives and events, call the Main Street Vineland office at 856-794-8653, visit the organization’s website at, or its Facebook page.