Main Street Vineland To Sponsor Next Mix, Mingle & Meet At Cilantro Mexican Restaurant

Get Together With Friends and Businesses on The Ave to Greet the Holiday Season
Free and Open to Public
VINELAND, NJ—Main Street Vineland will be sponsoring its next Mix, Mingle & Meet event, free and open to the public, on Thursday, December 6, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., at Cilantro Mexican Restaurant, which recently opened at 523 E. Landis Ave., Vineland.
Held every other month on the first Thursday, Mix, Mingle & Meet events are meant to bring the various downtown businesses and the public together to get to know each other, along with Main Street Vineland representatives, according to Main Street Vineland Executive Director Russell Swanson. he said. They will also be opportunities to share news about the latest happenings on The Ave.
This is the opportunity to get together in a festive atmosphere for the holiday season at one of The Ave’s newest eateries,” he said, “one which has been regularly attracting new customers and which has become a destination for good home-style ethnic cuisine. It’s a success story of which we all can be proud.”
“This sort of interaction among our businesses and the public is so very important in a strong center-city business community and the strong turnouts we have been having at each one create a strong network,” Swanson said. “A downtown is a community of its own and the members of that community work best when they know and work with each other.”
This is also opportunity for the businesses and the public to get to know what the Main Street program does and how they can benefit from what Main Street Vineland offers. Doing this on a regular basis, Swanson said, builds on the progress already established.
“We in Main Street want to keep our merchants and the public informed about what is going on in our downtown, but also we want feedback from the businesses, as well,” said Main Street Vineland Associate Director and Business Development Director Robert Scarpa. “This not only includes input from the businesses but also using forums like this to show off what goods and services they offer the public.”
The Mix, Mingle & Meet events are a regular part of Main Street Vineland’s downtown mix of activities, according to Swanson, and various downtown businesses will have the opportunity to gain added exposure by taking turns hosting them.
For more information on this and all Main Street Vineland events, call the Main Street Vineland office at 856-794-8653, visit the organization’s website at, or visit the organization’s Facebook page.