New Jersey Community Capital Announces THRIVE South Jersey Grant Opportunity

New Brunswick, NJ —New Jersey Community Capital (NJCC), through its THRIVE South Jersey initiative, will be granting up to $100,000 in 2018 to support targeted community revitalization projects that will enhance the impact of community-based organizations in the region.
THRIVE South Jersey works to expand local and regional capacity to generate economic growth in the targeted region of Southern New Jersey that includes Cumberland, Gloucester, Salem, and western Atlantic counties. Through a combination of strategic funding and capacity building, THRIVE South Jersey seeks to support organizations fostering community revitalizations activities that generate jobs and sustain low-income families in the four county region.
NJCC will award grants to projects fulfilling one of two purposes: community revitalization, or employment and workforce linkages. Grant applications will be accepted beginning February 9, 2018 and continue on a rolling basis throughout the year until the full amount has been awarded.
In 2017, NJCC awarded six grants through the THRIVE South Jersey Special Grant Initiative Program. The winners include: Millville Development Corporation, Atlantic County Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Stand Up for Salem, Revive South Jersey, Greater Pitman Chamber of Commerce, and the Holly City Development Corporation.
Eligible applicants include New Jersey-based nonprofit housing, community development, or community development support organizations that have been in existence for at least one year and operate in a municipality within the THRIVE South Jersey target region. To submit an application, please complete the form available here and return to Laura Wallick at
About New Jersey Community Capital
New Jersey Community Capital is a nonprofit community development financial institution (CDFI) that provides innovative financing and technical assistance to support the preservation and development of affordable housing and sustainable community development ventures that increase jobs, improve education, and strengthen neighborhoods. Founded in 1987, NJCC has invested over $630 million in New Jersey communities, resulting in over 9,700 housing units, 7,300 early care slots, 16,500 education seats, and 9,600 jobs. For more information, visit: