NJEDA COVID-19 Grant and Loan Program Eligibility Wizard Now Available

Recently, Governor Phil Murphy announced that the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) Board approved a package of emergency assistance programs that will drive $75M of public and private funding to help small businesses and non-profits impacted by the COVID-19 Outbreak.
To help small businesses and nonprofits understand which programs they may qualify for, the NJEDA launched a new online “Eligibility Wizard“. By guiding users through a series of 25 easy-to-answer questions, the Eligibility Wizard provides information on which emergency assistance programs a business may want to consider for its specific needs and are encouraged to use this tool to help prepare in anticipation of emergency assistance programs officially launching.
The Eligibility Wizard can be found through the State’s COVID-19 Business Information Hub: https://cv.business.nj.gov or https://assistance.business.nj.gov/.