Parade in the Morning; Fireworks in the Evening

Hammonton, NJ – MainStreet Hammonton is sponsoring the fourth annual Hammonton
Independence Day Parade in Downtown Hammonton on Thursday, July 4th at 11am. Theparade will run along Bellevue Avenue from Egg Harbor Road to Third Street and will begin lining up along the railroad tracks on N. Egg Harbor Road at 10am. Multiple bands, dance troupes, floats and more have already registered.
This year, the Town of Hammonton is sponsoring fireworks at the Lake Park. “It’s been many years since we had fireworks on the Fourth, but we’re bringing them back. You and your families are invited to bring chairs, settle down by our beautiful lake and enjoy the show. Good old fashioned family fun to honor Independence Day,” Mayor DiDonato said.
“We have an exciting parade in the morning and fireworks at dusk.” It’s a perfect day to stay in Town and keep your family local, Councilwoman and parade co-chair Brooke Sacco said.
Floats, groups, service clubs, businesses, churches, individuals, musicians and dance groups are welcome to participate, following MainStreet guidelines. Please call or email parade Co-Chair, Brooke Sacco or Alicia Murphy at 609-377-4474 or email For questions about the fireworks, please call Town Hall at 567-567-4300.

The Hammonton Independence Day Parade is coordinated by MainStreet Hammonton. Parade sponsors include: the Greater Hammonton Chamber of Commerce, Shellwood Kitchens, EJT Exterior, and Toy Market.