Patti McFaull

Patti McFaull, from Pitman, has been selected as our NJ Heartland Hero for the month of August! Patti has created a nonprofit organization, Erin’s Gift of Hope, after her 15-year-old daughter passed away in a tragic car accident. The organizations mission is to take high-school and college students on a week-long mission trip to help the needy. They have been to Belize twice, the Katrina area, the mountains of West Virginia, Littleton, NC, Chattanooga, TN, Myrtle Beach, S.C., Chicago, IL, Brick, NJ (Hurricane Sandy) and Machias, ME to work on projects of rebuilding and repair, to work with children in V.B.S. and sports programs, and to serve the needy. Erin’s Gift of Hope has been taking people on mission trips since 2007. Patti works tirelessly planning the trips and it wouldn’t be successful without her. The team meets monthly in her home to prepare our members for the summer trips. Many communities have been impacted in a positive way because of the organization and all of Patti’s hard work and dedication.