Richard Snyder Receives April 2020 New Jersey’s Heartland Hero Award

It is not often we have to make split-second decisions with the lives of others in the balance. Richard Snyder, our newly nominated Heartland Hero, had to make that decision one afternoon. On January 7, 2019, Snyder, a truck driver from Bridgeton, had a school bus driver pull out in front of him with 22 students on board. Snyder reacted on instinct with the interest of others, which is why we have selected him as this month’s Heartland Hero.
To this day, Richard Snyder is still recuperating from that accident. His family is grateful that he was spared his life that day. With physical therapy and other treatments still being done, Snyder hopes to return to work at Herrell Trucking someday soon.
While New Jersey’s Heartland is filled with hidden gems, its biggest treasures are the people who make the region a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. All Heartland Heroes receive a Heartland Heroes Certificate in recognition of their award. To nominate your Heartland Hero, visit