Rural Business Development Grant Applications Requested

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 26, 2021
Application Cycle Open: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development invites applications to compete for fiscal year 2021 (FY21) funding for the Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) program.
Please note program funds are not available at this time, however USDA Rural Development anticipates level program funding for FY21.
Eligible applicants for grant funds include non-profits, municipalities, development corporations, and state agencies.
The RBDG program funds two types of eligible projects: SDA, Rural Development is seeking applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Community Facilities (CF) Grant Program. Although applications are accepted year-round, funding of applications are based on priority points, State Office ranking and funding availability. A local allocation is provided to New Jersey.
Rural Business Enterprise Activities: Rural Business Enterprise Grants (RBEG) funds may be used for the acquisition and development of land, easements and rights-of-way; construction or repairs of buildings, machinery, equipment, roadways, utilities, and pollution control and abatement facilities; provision of loans for startup operating cost and working capital; professional services necessary for project planning and development; establishment of a revolving loan fund; development or operation of rural distance learning networks and/or programs for adult students; technical assistance for small and emerging businesses; technical assistance and training to rural communities related to passenger transportation services; loan participations.
Rural Business Opportunity Activities: Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG) funds may be used for the identification and analysis of business opportunities that will use local rural materials or human resources (including feasibility and business plan studies); technical assistance or leadership development training to rural entrepreneurs and managers; establish business support centers; conduct local or multi-county economic development planning; establish training centers which provide training to rural businesses in the utilization of interactive communication technologies to develop international trade and markets; pay fees and charges for professional services necessary to conduct technical assistance, training, or planning functions.
Additional information on project eligibility can be found in the program regulations §4280.417
Please note USDA Rural Development anticipates making approximately six grants using this notice. Due to limited statewide funding, applications of $30,000 or less are encouraged.
Read full story here.