Ryan Gamber Receives Father’s Day Edition June 2022 New Jersey’s Heartland Hero Award

A father of two, and recovering from a recent double lung transplant, Ryan Gamber’s perseverance continues to be an inspiration for his family and his entire South Jersey community. We are honored to name Ryan as our June 2022 Heartland Hero.
Last December, just days before Christmas, Ryan was admitted to the hospital and began fighting for his life. Over the past six months, the Millville, NJ, resident has remained in the hospital at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia but has overcome significant challenges, remaining optimistic throughout the difficult time. While his wife, Christy, says that Ryan’s physical and mental strength has been extraordinary, she adds that Ryan’s willingness and ability to overcome the many obstacles he’s faced has provided his family with a fresh perspective and made them all extremely proud.
Through FaceTime and live videos, Ryan has been able stay connected to this family over the past several months, remaining a part of his children Ella and Jackson’s events and other special moments. Most recently, Ryan was able to see his daughter, Ella, off for her senior prom. “Ryan loves his kids and is a great dad,” says Christy. “We are so grateful for his fight for life, and now we get to continue to make precious memories with him.”

Ryan is expected to be discharged from the hospital soon and will begin his rehabilitation process. He is looking forward to getting back to the things he enjoys doing, including fostering dogs for rescue shelters such as the South Jersey Regional Animal Shelter (Cumberland County) and Animal Care & Control Team of Philadelphia.
One of the dogs Ryan and Christy have fostered is a pit bull named “Mama,” a victim of animal cruelty that weighed only 39 lbs. when they took her in. The Gambers eventually decided to adopt Mama, and, in Ryan and Christy’s good hands, she now weighs 80 lbs.
For the strength, courage and perseverance he has demonstrated, as well as the inspiration he continues to provide, New Jersey’s Heartland is proud to honor Ryan Gamber as the June 2022 Heartland Hero.
While New Jersey’s Heartland is filled with hidden gems, its biggest treasures are the people who make the region a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. All Heartland Heroes receive a Heartland Heroes Certificate and Gift Basket in recognition of their award. To nominate your Heartland Hero, visit http://njheartland.org/live/heartland-heroes-nomination-form/.