Salem Community College Beads of Courage

The SCC Glass Club will be hosting a Beads of Courage bead making and fundraising event on Sunday, October 27th, from 10 am to 5 pm. The event is FREE and open to the public!
Beads of Courage is a not- for-profit organization the supports children as they courageously take on their cancer treatments. Children are given beads for the treatments they receive and accumulate them on large strands that make visible their journey in combating their illness. The students, faculty, staff, and special guests of the glass cent er will be keeping the center ‘s 42 torches lit throughout the entire day to produce as many beads as possible for these amazing kids.
The SCC Glass Club will be selling work on the day of the event with 25% of all sales going to Beads of Courage. If you have yet to pick up on of the club’s beautiful glass pumpkins, this would be the perfect day to do so! We encourage all to join us from 10 am to 5 pm to cheer on out students , to support this incredible organization, and to tour this extraordinary new facility!
Learn more about Beads of Courage on their website at