Salem County Offers Free Flu Clinics

Salem, NJ– The Salem County Department of Health and Human Services will hold five flu clinics this year, free to Salem County residents, beginning in September.
The first flu clinic will be the popular drive-through clinic on September 25th at the Salem County Fairgrounds. Other flu clinics will be in October at Lower Alloways Creek Municipal Building, Oldmans Township Municipal Building, Cedar Lane Auctions, and Schalick High School.
Last year, the County provided nearly 1,000 free flu shots. Funding is made available through the Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
In addition to the flu clinic at Schalick High School, the public health nurses will offer free lead screenings for children 6 years and younger. The Environmental Division staff will conduct lead testing on children’s toys that are painted.
“We want to make parents aware the County offers lead testing and will be available at the Schalick High School flu clinic. It only takes minutes,” said Freeholder Director Melissa Decastro . “Staff will have all testing equipment on site to provide immediate results for blood level screenings of lead and to see whether toys have a lead based paint .“
No appointment is necessary for flu shots. Salem County residents three years and older Viill be accepted at all flu clinics. Registration forms for the flu shots will be available at the clinic entrance or at–vaccination–form/. Please wear light clothing that allows sleeves to be rolled up.
“The Freeholders were able to maintain their commitment to the flu clinics in this year’s budget,· explained Freeholder Ben Laury, who chairs the Health Committee. “The shots are an important preventative measure for various strains of the flu. This year. we are able to provide 1,300 flu vaccines.”
PRECAUTION: Do not get a flu shot if you previously had a reaction to flu shots, you are allergic to thimerosol, or you have previously developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome six (6) weeks after receiving a flu vaccination.
The 2018 Flu clinic schedule is:
- Tuesday, September 25, 2018 – Drive Thru Clinic, Salem County Fairgrounds, Route 40, Pilesgrove Twp., from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
- Thursday, October 4, 2018 at LAC Municipal Building, 501 Locust Rd, Hancock’s Bridge from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Thursday, October 11, 2018 at Oldmans Twp. Municipal Building, 40 Freed Rd, Pedricktown, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at Cedar Lane Auctions , 21 Cedar Lane, Elmer, from 11 :00 am to 2:00 pm.
- Thursday, October 25, 2018 at Arthur P. Schalick High School, 718 Centerton Rd., Pittsgrove Twp. From 4:00 pm – 6 00 pm
If you have any questions or vvould like more information about this topic, please call us at
935-7510 ext. 8304 or visit our website for further information.