Sharon and Bert Carpenter

Sharon and Bert Carpenter, Residents of Glassboro, have been named New Jersey’s Heartland Hero for the month of October! Sharon and her husband, Bert, has been very involved in working with veterans. Once a month they graciously host a dinner in their home to honor service veterans along with other people who has served such as police officers, fire fighters, etc. They are involved with “Operation Safe Haven” which helps provide housing and assistance to homeless veterans. In addition, Sharon and Bert have formed a non-profit organization called, “Honoring Forgotten Heroes” to honor supporting and encouraging veterans, first responders, clergy and their families to ensure their sacrifices are never forgotten. The attendance at their dinners has grown and has helped support many of the veterans. Sharon and Bert’s hard work and dedication towards their organization has not gone unnoticed, which is why we are awarding them as our Heroes for this month!