Small Business Saturday is Coming!

Promoting Shop Local on November 24th
We invite you to come out on Saturday, November 24 to shop and support our local businesses at Shop Small Saturday in Pitman, NJ! Many of our small businesses will be having specials, giveaways, prizes, and more, so come out and enjoy a fun-filled day in Uptown Pitman!
We will be handing out a Shop Small Saturday Passport. As you visit the local shops and businesses, get your passport stamped or initialed in one of the Pitman businesses, return your passport to the Welcome Center, and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a prize at the end of the day.
Here’s how the Passport Event works:
- Stop and get your FREE passport at the Welcome Table at 59 S. Broadway between 10:00 am- 12:00 pm.
- Visit participating businesses Uptown to get your Passport stamped or initialed for a chance to enter into a drawing to win local prizes.
- Return your stamped Passport to the Welcome Center by 5:00 pm and it will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a gift basket with Pitman goodies (valued over $100). *No purchase necessary.
The Shop Small Passport Event Winner will be announced on the Uptown Pitman and Shop & Stroll Facebook pages. We can’t wait to see you in Uptown Pitman on Saturday, 11/24!
The first 100 visitors who visit the Welcome Table and pickup a Passport will receive a FREE Shopping Bag!