Themes Across Cultures

This exhibit in the Down Jersey Folklife Center at WheatonArts explores commonly shared topics among South Jersey cultures, such as beliefs, stories, legends, rituals, and occupational traditions. Interpreted through objects, archives, and educational programs are three major themes: 1. Becoming Someone Else – the use of masks in rituals and celebrations of various cultures; 2. Learning from a Master – featuring South Jersey artists who have participated in the Folk Art Apprenticeship Program of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts; 3. Behind the Story – exploring how legends, stories, and beliefs of these diverse communities become visualized in artworks.
The exhibition reflects our region’s extremely diverse community and aims to bring together artists and audiences of multiple cultural backgrounds in shared artistic experiences. Extensions of the exhibit include educational activities, on-site projects, video screenings, and round table discussions.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, please check our website at for updates about reopening and exhibit times.