Third Friday at Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts

Third Friday @Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts –presented by PNC Arts Alive CONNECT
Exhibits: Main Gallery: In the Now: Group Exhibit featuring work created while in isolation and/or work reflecting social change. See attached image:“Covid Induced Existential Depression”by Elaine Sherma
Atrium: “Do You See Me?”Solo exhibit by artist Sydnei SmithJordan: “This work is a collective voyeurism into my soul. What is it that you see when you look at me? Each piece is a story to unfold, a challenge to unfold, a challenge to behold. Don’t glance, stare. Then tell me…Do You See Me?
Associate Artist Alcove: Paula Pagliughi & Susan Rau
WE ARE BACK! Thank you to our patrons and artists for your continuing support of online virtual ex-hibits, and workshops. We begin again with our Third Friday, August 21st’s revised opening reception. Patrons are welcomed to visit: masks must be worn and social distancing will be mandatory while in the building. Volunteers will be available to guide groups of 25, at any one time, into the building. Vis-its are limited to 20 minutes or less, for the safety of staff and volunteers. The Glasstown Plaza will be our event space for the night, for safely distanced conversation with live music by Randy & Ryan. Light single serve refreshments will be available. After the opening reception, the gallery will be open for public visits Wednesday – Saturday, from 10 am to 4 pm(*subject to changes, visit for updated hours).
RRCA is a non-profit, community art center, located in Millville, NJ and provides opportunity to artists, patrons, and youth in our southern New Jersey region. Visit our website for artist opportunities, community events, and more: