This Week in New Jersey’s Heartland: Nov 21

The holidays are here! This week in New Jersey’s Heartland, get in the spirit by attending a holiday parade or doing some holiday shopping during participating Main Streets’ Small Business Saturday!
Adult Computer Classes
Millville Public Library
210 Buck St., Millville
Monday, November 21 | 1pm to 4pm
The Millville Public Library has been offering weekly Adult Computer Classes, this week you can learn email basics.Classes are limited. Call the Millville Public Library Reference Desk to sign up for classes. 856-825-7087, ext. 12.
Millville Holiday Parade
High Street and Harrison Ave, Bridgeton
Friday, November 25 | 7pm to 9pm
Visit Millville Main Street to see their spectacular annual Holiday Parade! To commemorate the city’s 150th anniversary, this year’s theme is “Christmas Through the Ages – Celebrating 150 years of Christmas Traditions in Millville.” The parade will depict a piece of Millville History and/or family traditions passed on from generation to generation. The Parade begins at 7pm at High Street and Harrison Ave. and proceeds south on High St. to City Hall.
Fourth Friday Uptown Pitman
Uptown Pitman, Pitman
Friday, November 25 | 6pm to 9pm
Enjoy live music, great boutique shopping, gourmet restaurants, and tons of fun during Uptown Pitman’s Fourth Friday. Stroll along Broadway for an evening of socializing and walking about town. Uptown Pitman is even offering old-fashioned horse-drawn carriage rides.
Small Business Saturday
Downtown Hammonton
Saturday, November 26 | 10am to 7pm
Enjoy the best of Hammonton as you shop local, enjoy sales, specials, and giveaways, along with a festive, holiday atmosphere. Shop small and support independent, locally owned businesses.
Shop Small Business Saturday
Millville Main Street
Saturday, November 26 | 10am to 6pm
Visit Millville Main Street to find special and original artisan pieces, handcrafted wooden boxes, canes, and birds, beaded jewelry with silver and brass that will make your special someone delighted. Impress your relatives and friends with a thoughtful and personal gift.
Bridgeton Holiday Parade
Downtown Bridgeton
Sunday, November 27 | 3pm to 5pm
Bridgeton’s annual Holiday Parade will be themed “Winter Holidays Around the World”! Bring your family for a wonderful holiday experience!