Top Things to do this Labor Day Weekend in New Jersey’s Heartland

While Labor Day historically is the day we set aside to honor and celebrate America’s workforce, to many it also has come to mean the end of another beautiful summer. So, before transitioning into fall, don’t miss out on New Jersey’s Heartland Labor Day festivities!
Cruise Nite Car Show and Food Truck Festival
September 1, 2017- 5 PM to 9 PM
College Avenue & Downtown, Glassboro
The 13th Annual Cruise Nite Car Show and Food Truck Festival features more than 300 cars, 12 to 15 food trucks, artisan vendors, live entertainment, and more! This is an event you don’t want to miss on Labor Day weekend.—food-truck-festival.html
CowTown Rodeo
September 2, 2017 – 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
780 Harding Hwy Pilesgrove
The oldest and only professional rodeo in all New Jersey is here Saturday of Labor Day weekend and every Saturday until September 30th! This performance stands true to its Western ways, which is why it’s known as the “best show on dirt!” CowTown’s performance includes Girls Barrel Racing, Bull Riding, Bareback Riding, Tie Down Roping, Saddle Bronc Riding, Steer Wrestling and Team Roping. Tickets are available to purchase online.
Greater Bridgeton Amish Farm Market Pig Roast
September 1 -2, 2017 – Friday 9 AM to 7 PM; Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM
720 Shiloh Pike, Bridgeton
Don’t miss an authentic Dutch breakfast beginning at 8 AM on Friday and 7 AM on Saturday and a traditional pig roast for dinner! Visit the local Amish Farm Market for a fun day in the sun and to purchase fruits and veggies with the family. “Meals & Memories are Made Here.”
Delaware Valley Bluegrass Festival
September 1-3, 2017
735 Route 40 (Harding Hwy.), Pilesgrove
Bluegrass’s 46th Annual Festival will be held this Labor Day weekend with an amazing lineup of live performances for adults, as well as a separate stage of performances for children! The festival is centered around activities for people of all ages, including food, concession stands, CD’s, books and bags of ice for guests that bring coolers. People are welcomed to bring lawn chairs for the live performances, but seating is on a first come, first served basis. Tickets are available online or you can purchase your wristband at the entrance.
Pitman Art Stroll
September 1- 30, 2017 – All Day
Pitman Gallery & Art Center
59 S. Broadway, Pitman
Labor Day weekend will mark the grand opening of the Pitman Art Stroll, which is located in the heart of Uptown Pitman on Broadway, beginning at Laurel Avenue and continuing to Holly Avenue. This sidewalk is a sight for sore-eyes as its outdoor exhibit attracts up to 10,000 shoppers. The opening reception will be held on Friday, September 1st, from 6 PM to 8 PM.
Children’s Garden Workshop
September 2, 2017 – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Hammonton Garden Community
Corner of 11th and S Washington, Hammonton
Helps our children of TODAY celebrate, show appreciation and respect for the earth through themes of reflection and gratitude! Spend a fun filled day of community gardening, story-sharing, dance, seed gathering and organic memories made with your little ones at the Garden Workshop. The activity is free, but make sure to email in advance for availability to Lisa Zeuner at or confirm attendance on their events page.
Championship Cup Series III
September 2-3, 2017
New Jersey Motorsports Park
8000 Dividing Creek Rd, Millville
Headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, the Championship Cup Series was founded in 1984. It’s goal? To bump up the “fun factor” with an all-around safe and professional atmosphere for seasonal and beginner bike racers in this “Leader in Sportsman Level” motorcycle road! Two-day tickets for $17 and children under 12 are free with a paid adult.