Two Receive “Volunteer Of The Year” Awards At Main Street Vineland’s A Taste Of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event

Dennis Ingraldi and Andre Rivera Honored for Leadership Roles
VINELAND, NJ—Main Street Vineland honored two of its lead volunteers with “Volunteer of the Year” awards at its recent eighth annual A Taste of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event at the Greenview Inn at Eastlyn Golf Course. 4049 Italia Ave. , Vineland.
The event, in addition to recognizing Main Street Vineland, brought Vineland’s finest restaurants together offering their signature dishes and raised funds for downtown beautification, business recruitment and development, and events. The major sponsor was Century Savings Bank.
Honored as “Volunteers of the Year” were Dennis Ingraldi, member of the Main Street Vineland Board of Directors, and Andre Rivera, a volunteer who been active in several Main Street Vineland initiatives.
Ingraldi was recognized for his years of dedication and Main Street Vineland Board of Directors, of which he is the Vice-Chairperson and former Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer.
Rivera was recognized for his leadership in helping to organize several upcoming initiatives—including a downtown Walking Trail and a 5K run.
“I am so proud to have both of them as dedicated, passionate volunteer leaders—a combination of experience and youthful enthusiasm,” said Main Street Vineland Executive Director Russell Swanson. “With people like them and our other many committed volunteers, we are making our downtown—The Ave—a focal point and the heart and soul of Vineland.”