Update From The City of Woodbury on COVID-19

Dear Woodbury Residents,The City of Woodbury is closely monitoring the COVID‐19 (Coronavirus) virus and all available information from the NJ Department of Health, Center for Disease Control, and World Health Organization. The Administration and Emergency management have been in contact with the County and State, participating in all available calls with the governor and NJ State Department of Health in order to remain informed.We have closed City Buildings to public access until further notice. HOWEVER, all employees are on site conducting normal day to day operations. In order to continue to serve you we are putting in place the following procedures for day to day operations:Tax / Water / Sewer Payments
- Online payments will continue to be accepted at https://wipp.edmundsassoc.com/Wipp/?wippid=0822
- On-site payments can also be submitted via the mail slot in the back of City Hall.
- All payments must be in the form of a check or money order made out to the City of Woodbury.
- Mailed payments should be sent to Woodbury City Hall, 33 Delaware Street, PO Box 180, Woodbury, NJ 08096.
Building and Construction Permits
- The City of Woodbury has a Shared Service agreement with the Township of West Deptford. Therefore, all building and construction permitting goes directly through their offices. At this time, West Deptford is also closed to the public but has set up drop boxes for permits outside the building. Forms can be found on the West Deptford Township Municipal website here: https://www.westdeptford.com/ConstructionForms.aspx
- Questions regarding Building and Construction Permits and inspections can be directed to the West Deptford Construction office at 856-845-4004.
Zoning Application and Verification
- Forms can be obtained on our City website here: http://woodbury.nj.us/forms
- Forms and payments can be submitted onsite via the mail slot in the back of City Hall
- All payments must be in the form of a check or money order made out to the City of Woodbury.
- Forms can also be sent to Woodbury City Hall, 33 Delaware Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096
- Questions regarding Zoning information can be directed to John Leech at 856-845-1300 ext. 132.
Certificates of Occupancy
- Inspections will continue to be conducted. However, we are now requiring the property to be vacated of all residents during the scheduled time of the inspection.
- Forms can be obtained on our City website here: http://woodbury.nj.us/forms
- Forms can be emailed to our inspector Clif Miller at cmiller@woodbury.nj.us. Payments can be submitted onsite via the mail slot in the back of City Hall or delivered on site at the time of the inspection.
- All payments must be in the form of a check or money order made out to the City of Woodbury.
- Forms and payments can be made in the mail slot in the back of City Hall
- All payments must be in the form of a check or money order made out to the City of Woodbury.
- Forms can also be sent to Woodbury City Hall, 33 Delaware Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096.
- Questions regarding Certificates of Occupancy can be directed to Clifton Miller at 856-845-1300 ext. 127.
Vital Statistics
- Certified Copies of Birth, Marriage or Death Certificates can be requested through the mail. Please be sure to read the application thoroughly and attach documents to your application as required.
- Forms can be obtained on our City website here: http://woodbury.nj.us/forms
- Forms and payments can be submitted onsite via the mail slot in the back of City Hall
- All payments must be in the form of a check or money order made out to the City of Woodbury.
- Forms can also be sent to Woodbury City Hall, 33 Delaware Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096
- Questions regarding Certified Vital Records can be directed to Karen Chabot at 856-845-1300 ext. 115.
Applying for a Marriage License
- If you and your fiancé live in Woodbury and would like to apply for a license to get married, please contact Karen Chabot, our Vital Statistics Clerk directly at 856-845-1300 115.
Municipal Court
- The City of Woodbury has a Shared Service Agreement with the Township of Deptford. The Municipal Court building is closed until March 30th (this date may be extended). Notices will be sent out to those with pending court dates informing you on your new date to appear. Questions regarding the Woodbury Municipal Court should be directed to the Deptford Court office at: 856-686-2230.
Municipal Parks, Playgrounds, and Sports Fields
- All municipal parks, playgrounds and sports fields are closed consistent with the Governor’s Emergency Declaration and shall remain closed until the Declaration has been lifted.
Woodbury City Bus
- The number of passengers is now limited to no more than 10 people at a time.
- The Woodbury bus route will be limited to essential locations such as grocery stores, medical needs, pharmacies and banks.
Woodbury Library
- The Woodbury City Library will be closed until further notice.
- Materials may still be returned in the Library Book Drop and will be properly disinfected before being re-shelved.
- The Board of Trustees will hold its regularly scheduled meetings online with information on how to access the meeting posted on the Library’s website and Facebook pages.
- Online Access and questions:
- Inquiries can be made through the Library’s “Contact Us” form on www.woodburylibrary.org. All inquiries will be answered in a timely manner.
- Library patrons can continue to access free services such as eBooks, audiobooks, music and databases through the Hoopla app, Libby (Overdrive) app, or the Library’s Resources Page.
- Patrons may access their account through the Library’s website or through the LOGIN Libraries app.
- The Library is NOT accepting any donations during this time; please do not put donations of any kind in the book drop
It is important to take precautions in order to prevent the spread of the virus. The CDC recommends the following basic hygiene and sanitation practices to stop the spread of the virus including:
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol‐based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the garbage. If you do not have a tissue, you can use the inside of your elbow.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
- Practice social distancing (6 ft. distance)
We will continue to keep you informed on the situation through our website www.woodbury.nj.us and social media outlets.Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cityofwoodburynj/ and Twitter: @CityWoodburyNJThank you for your patience and understanding. Please know that we are working tirelessly to ensure the health and safety of all who live work and play in Woodbury. Feel free to contact City Hall if you have any questions.Feel Free to contact my office if you need any further information.Sincerely,Franklin BrownCity Administrator