The national mission of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, which was founded 116 years ago, is dedicated to fraternity, patriotism, history, charity, and education. This mission to serve veterans, their families, and their communities is exemplified by the work of Pennsville VFW Post 1952. For decades, the Pennsville VFW Post 1952 has been recognized as a leader in the community, making Pennsville a great place to live, raise families, and grow old.
Members of Pennsville VFW Post 1952 and its auxiliary are very generous with their time and donations to assist veterans and their families and community groups. They support the Pennsville Little League, the Pennsville Police Department, local fire companies, and the local Football Association, and Soccer Association.
VFW post 1952 is also active in county-wide efforts that honor veterans. Members host the very popular Salem County Memorial Day Parade to remind the young and old of the ultimate sacrifice made by those who served in the armed forces. The Post also supports enhancements and ceremonies at the Salem County Veterans Cemetery.
There is an enormous amount of time dedicated to planning for the annual parade and carrying out other commitments — whether it is sponsoring the Annual Historic Soldiers Weekend at Fort Mott, donating a new electronic message sign to the police department, or providing compassionate care to a veteran’s family. There is a constant calendar of fund raising efforts — chicken BBQ, spaghetti dinner, PaintNites, and hall rentals.
Within the community, being involved with the Pennsville VFW Post 1952 is like being in the TV show “Cheers” where everyone knows each other’s name. The result of this camaraderie is that the community is proud and patriotic toward those who have served.
For all of the generosity and dedication that they bring to our Heartland communities, the Pennsville VFW Post 1952 is honored as an NJ Heartland Hero. I would like to nominate the Pennsville VFW Post 1952 to be the first to be selected and honored as one of the NJ Heartland Heroes.
The VFW Post 1952 was formally presented with their Heartland Hero award at their Annual Salem County Memorial Day Service at the Veteran’s Cemetery on Monday, May 30, 2016.
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Julie Acton, Freeholder Director of Salem County, presenting NJHeartland Hero Award on Memorial Day.

Members of the VFW Post 1952 walking up to receive their Heartland Hero Awards presented by Freeholder Director of Salem County, Julie Acton.

Julie Acton, Freeholder Director of Salem County with Members of the VFW Post 1952 of Pennsville.